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Sunday, June 15, 2008

Tutorial RIP Subtitle dari DVD by yudhistira / Ripping Subtitle from DVD by yudhistira


Setiap kali kita mau ambil subtitle dari DVD kita tidak tahu cara mengekstraknya atau sudah dicoba tapi tidak berhasil karena program yg kita coba sebelumnya seperti IMTOO DVD Subtitle Ripper ato dll tidak menggunakan metode OCR (optical Character Recognision) dalam pengekstrakan subpicture pada DVD. /
Each time we will take subtitle from DVD not know way to exracted or has been tried but fail because program we try previous like IMTOO DVD Subtitle Ripper or etc using no method OCR (optical Character Recognision) in extracted subpicture at DVD

Tool Yang Perlu Disiapkan... / Program required

  1. subrip v.1.50

    nice little tool that allows us to convert imagemap-only subtitles that are on DVD discs into pure text format,

    which will take only couple of kilobytes of space after completed


  2. SubtitleWorkshop v.251

    Subtitle editor, converter and synchronization

-----------------PROGRAM CAN BE DOWNLOAD AT THE END TOPIC----------------------

Langkah Pertama / The first step
- Buka program Subrip / Open Subrip Program
- Go To File - Open VOB(s)
- Select Open IFO
- Browse File IFO kamu / Browse Your's File IFO
- Select VOB yg mau diambil subnya / Select VOB that will be taken

- Pilih Output Format,pilih defaultnya saja defaultnya .srt
Choose Output Format, choose default *.srt

- Browse Character file kamu
Browse Your File Character

catatan jika belum pernah save char matrix file sebelumnya defaultnya NEW FILE
/ if you will not yet save char matrix file previously, default is

note 2:
ini sangat menentukan dalam pengenalan karakter untuk itu biasakan membuat char matrix file km sendiri2 sesuai judul filmnya,karena tiap film berbeda-beda jenis font,color,ataupun sizenya
/ this very determine in character recognition for that accustom make char matrix your file according to its film title, because every film different each other type font, color, or size

- Go To Start utk memulai ripping /
Go To Start to begin ripping

note 3 :
jika character sudah sesuai sama file char matrix yang sebelumnya sudah disave maka kita tidak perlu memasukkan kata satu persatu lagi
/if character has been according to same file previous char matrix already save then we needn't enter word one by one next

untuk memastikkan character apa aja di file matrix kamu
to ascertain what character just in file matrix

- Jika ditengah proses rip mendapati pop-up seperti ini
Is in the middle of processed rip discovers pop-up like this

ketikkan character yg sesuai dengan yang diminta
type character matching with asked

- Ketika selesai Go to file-Save As-Lalu tekan Save sperti ini
When finished Go to file-Save As-then press button Save like this

- dan jadilah file subtitle yg berformat .srt
and there will be file subtitle that have format .srt

Langkah Kedua / Second Step
- Jika terdapat file .srt yg tidak synchronize waktu dimainkan dengan file videonya tidak perlu kecewa mengedit satu demi satu per baris
If existed file .srt that not synchronize time is played with its video file needn't disappointed edit one by one line

- Buka Subtitle Workshop
Open Subtilte Workshop Program

- Lihat kondisi waktu kamu membuka file .srt kamu
See your time condition opens file .srt

- Jika INPUT FPS tidak sesuai dengan FPS Output maka sesuaikan
If INPUT FPS dismatch with FPS Output then equalize

- jika tetap tidak synchronize lihat pada waktu kamu memainkan video apa subtitle terlalu cepat keluar atau terlalu lambat
if remain not to synchronize saw when you played subtitle what video untimely exited or too tardy

aku asumsikan terlalu lambat maka kita edit delay nya
Go to Edit-Timings-Set Delay
Pilih for all the subtitles
I assumed too tardy then we edit delay time
Go to Edit-Timings-Set Delay
Select for all the subtitles

- SAVE ,selesai
SAVE, finish

  • Download Program AIO Rip Subtitle DVD